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Online Metabolic Mental Health Program

Applications are accepted internationally, including the USA and UK.

  Everyone is welcome!

Apply Today!

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What is Included?

Self-Guided Learn On Demand

Start your metabolic mental health journey today and learn at your own pace. Access all learning material online from anywhere in the world, at any time.

Work your way through each section of the program in your own time. This flexible learning style means that you can spend weeks or months implementing ketogenic metabolic therapy at the same time as living life. Life does not stop for this program.

Learn in your own time, but access live group Q&A and support sessions once per week to troubleshoot and have your questions answered. You have 12 months to complete the program.

Weekly Q&A / Support Calls

Weekly hour-long support calls for 12 months which include: 

Q&A with Erin: Drawing on her experience of over ten years in the ketogenic and mental health research and clinical field.


Troubleshooting time: Discussing ketone and glucose levels, GKI, blood tests, meals, supplements, lifestyle obstacles and anything else getting in the way of your mental health improvements.

This gives you support at the most important time. Once you have implemented ketogenic therapy you then need to navigate your lifestyle obstacles, travel, birthdays, holidays etc. Ongoing support in this period of up to 12 months is crucial for long-term success.

Education & Learning

Over 20 hours of pre-recorded educational content to guide and support you in the safe and effective implementation of ketogenic metabolic therapy for your mental health.

Education covers the mechanisms of ketosis in the body and brain, specifically for mental health conditions.

Ketogenic Therapy Implementation

Education and guidance in implementing ketogenic therapy correctly and safely depending on your symptoms, medications and health history.

Biometrics and Symptoms Tracking Support

You will be provided with personalised macronutrients to follow at the start of the program.

Education covers tracking and understanding ketone and glucose levels, GKI levels, mental health symptoms, food and diet, and other necessary biometrics.

Peer Support

Peer Support: Supporting one another and creating a small community that understands you. You will have access to a dedicated private Facebook group to support one another between Q&A and support calls as well as after the program.

How Much Does it Cost?

£349 for the first month

£150 p/m for the remaining 11 months

Total Cost of Program: £1,999

The cost of the program can be paid upfront or split over 12 months.

- Ready to Get Started? -

Book Your First Consultation Now

Important Disclaimer

The information above and the information provided in the IKRT programs are for educational purposes only and do not intend to assess, screen or treat any medical condition. Nothing on this website or in these programs constitutes medical advice. This information does not substitute for a doctor-patient relationship. This program is designed to be followed alongside your current medical care and in collaboration with your mental health team. Speak to your doctor or psychiatrist before making changes to your diet or medication. 

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